Top 10 Visa Free Countries for Indians know details and facts

Top 10 Visa Free Countries for Indians know details and facts

Indian Passport: Passport is the biggest power of a citizen of any country to go to any country in the world, If the passport of a country is strong then the citizens of that country do not have to worry about visa to travel to most of the countries., But if the passport is not strong then it is necessary to apply for visa to go to any country, This year’s Henley Passport Index 2024 The report has arrived, In which the Indian passport is recognized in the world 82has been ranked at number th, So let’s go to those top-10 Know about the countries where Indians can get visa free entry,

Indian passport is at this number in the world

India’s rank rises in the Global Passport Index, The Indian passport is steadily getting stronger than in the past few years, Tell me where 2022 in India 87was ranked th, There itself 2023 Indian passport in 84th place was obtained, Now that means 2024 Indian passport in 82got the th place, This means that now on Indian passport 58 Visa free entry is available in countries, Henley Passport Index 2024 According to the report of, Indian passport is being recognized around the world 82has been ranked at number th,

Top places to get visa free for India-10 Country Mauritius, Maldives, Bhutan, Nepal, Thailand, Indonesia, Fiji, Angola of Africa, Serenal, There are countries like Rwanda., Indian passport holders need visa to go here didn’t need to,

This country’s passport is the strongest in the world

If we talk about the strongest passport, then it is the passport of Singapore, Henley Passport Index (IPA) is a ranking of passports by the International Air Transport Authority (IAA). (IATA) The data is used from, Singapore’s passport has been ranked first in this ranking, In fact, the citizens of this country can enter the country without visa 195 Entry can be obtained in countries, After Singapore, France is in this list, Germany, Spain and United Kingdom top-5 I am involved in, While the American passport once used to be at the top of this list, now this passport 8has come at number 1,

Also read: Other countries buy this thing of women the most from India, earned so many thousand crores in two years

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